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Safety Information

Smoke Alarms 
  • At the bare minimum, install a smoke alarm in and outside of every separate sleeping area and on every level of your home, including basements and finished attics. To maximize your early warning protection, install a smoke alarm in any additional room such as home offices and studies, at each end of a long hallway, at the top and bottom of stairways, and in any storage areas or utility rooms. To avoid improper operation and “false alarms”, avoid installing detectors in poorly ventilated kitchens, garages, unfinished attics, or damp, humid areas of the home.
  • Overtime, dust can settle on and inside the smoke detector resulting in its inability to adequately sense smoke and alert the individuals who need to evacuate. At least every six months, dust all smoke detectors in your home to ensure adequate air flow to each unit. Cleaning the smoke detector is as simple as removing the front cover and gently vacuuming the interior of the unit using the soft brush attachment. Alternatively, you can use compressed air. Using gentle, even motions while holding the can about 4 to 6 inches from the smoke alarm will effectively remove any particles that would hinder smoke alarm performance. If the batteries are due to be changed, you can do so at this time. A good way to remember to replace the batteries is when you change your clocks twice a year as daylight savings time begins and ends.
  • Most importantly, test your smoke alarms on a monthly basis. All smoke alarms have a test button that will allow for you to check the alarm’s functionality, including its sensitivity and effectiveness of the batteries. To test the alarm circuitry, locate and press the TEST button typically found on the front cover of the unit. Immediately replace the batteries or the entire unit if either proves to be inoperable.
  • As a smoke alarm ages, it is very probable that the internal sensors will become contaminated with dust, dirt, and air pollutants contributing to a diminishing sensitivity to smoke. As a safety precaution, if your smoke detector is more than ten years old, remove it and replace the entire unit.
Fire Extinguishers 
  • Portable fire extinguishers are classified according to their ability to handle specific classes and sizes of fires. Traditionally, the labels A, B, C, or D have been used to indicate the type of fire on which an extinguisher is to be used.
    • CLASS A: Class A fires involve ordinary combustibles or fibrous material such as paper, cloth, wood, rubber, and many plastics. Use a fire extinguisher with a Class A rating, which is identified by a triangle depicting the letter “A”, to effectively handle this type of fire. If colored, the triangle should be green.
    • CLASS B: Class B fires involve flammable liquids such as oils, gasoline, kerosene, paint, paint thinners, lacquers, grease, solvents, tars and other synthetic or oil-based products. Use a fire extinguisher with a Class B rating, which is identified by a square depicting the letter “B”, to effectively handle this type of fire. If colored, the square shall be colored red.
    • CLASS C fires involve energized electrical equipment such as in wiring, fuse boxes, motors, data processing panels, appliances, power tools, and other electrical sources. Use a fire extinguisher with a Class C rating, which is identified by a circle depicting the letter “C”, to effectively handle this type of fire. If colored, the circle should be colored blue.
    • CLASS D fires involve combustible metals such as magnesium, titanium, potassium and sodium. Use a fire extinguisher with a Class D rating, which is identified by a star depicting the letter “D”, to effectively handle this type of fire. If colored, the star will be colored yellow.
  • Many fire extinguishers will work on a combination of fire classes and will be identified by multiple symbols placed in a horizontal sequence. To ensure the safety of your property and your environment, take the time to read over your extinguisher’s instructions familiarizing yourself with its special features and parts. To effectively operate your fire extinguisher when attempting to smother a fire, use the acronym, PASS, as a quick reference.
    • Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher. The pin releases a locking mechanism and will allow you to discharge the extinguisher.
    • Aim the extinguisher at the base of the fire, not the flames.
    • Squeeze the trigger slowly while holding the extinguisher upright. This will release the extinguishing agent in the extinguisher.
    • Sweep from side to side. Using a sweeping motion, move the fire extinguisher back and forth until the fire is completely out.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 
  • Often called “The Silent Killer”, Carbon monoxide, or CO, is an odorless, colorless, poisonous gas that is capable of causing sudden illness or death in a matter of minutes. CO is produced as a by-product of incomplete combustion from many sources including any fuel-burning appliances, automobiles, small gasoline powered equipment, heating systems, wood-burning stoves, or tobacco smoke.
  • High levels of inhaled carbon monoxide greatly diminish your ability to absorb oxygen. In short, it can suffocate the body. When CO is present in the air, it enters the body during the normal breathing process. As the poisonous gas collects in the lungs and then is absorbed into the blood stream, it eventually interferes with red blood cell’s ability to carry oxygen to vital organs such as the heart and brain.
  • The most common symptoms of CO poisoning are headache, dizziness, fatigue, confusion, and nausea or vomiting. Worse yet, if breathed in at high levels, CO can cause loss of consciousness or even death. Unfortunately, CO poisoning can be difficult to diagnose because the flu-like symptoms mimic other illnesses. If symptoms come and go upon entering or exiting your home, or if all family members experience the same symptoms simultaneously, you can presume that unsafe levels of carbon monoxide are present in the air you are breathing.
Fireplaces and Chimneys 
  • Make sure that your fireplace has a tight-fitting screen or a properly fitted glass door that will prevent embers and sparks from escaping the hearth.
  • Never burn garbage or other debris in a fireplace.
  • Do not overload your fireplace with logs avoiding a “roaring” fire.
  • When cleaning ashes out of your fireplace, place them in a metal container with a tight-fitting metal lid, thoroughly soaking the debris with water. Always properly dispose of ashes by placing them in a trash receptacle and not in your home or garage.
  • For obvious reasons, do not use flammable fluids such as gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, and charcoal lighter fluid to start or accelerate a fire.
  • Keep furniture, personal belongings, decor, and other combustibles a safe distance from the fire. Keeping three feet of clearance around the fireplace will not only allow for the air to circulate properly, but it also reduces the risk of flammable materials overheating or igniting a fire.
  • Do not leave a fire burning when you retire for the evening or leave your home.
  • Most importantly, have your chimney cleaned regularly! The National Fire Protection Association recommends having your chimney inspected at least once a year by a certified chimney professional and cleaned regularly to remove creosote, a highly flammable residue, from the lining of the flue or along the sides of the stove pipes.
Heating Systems 
  • As cold temperatures near, many residents rely on electric heating devices to warm their homes. By following a few simple fire safety tips when using space heaters and other supplemental heating sources, you will maintain a fire-safe home during the winter season.
  • Before any heating system is turned on for the first time in months, they should be professionally serviced by a qualified technician or specialist to ensure that all furnace controls and emergency shutoffs are in proper working condition.
  • As a homeowner, one of the easiest and cheapest ways to maintain your furnace and lower your energy costs is to change your furnace filter, and change it often! Ideally, filters should be changed at the beginning of the heating season and then inspected frequently to make sure they are not clogged or blocking air flow. A dirty filter can double or even triple your home heating costs, can cause your furnace to malfunction, or worse yet, cause the unit to overheat and catch on fire. Don’t find out the hard way that your filter needed to be replaced. Again, check your filter and replace it often.
  • And remember, most fires involving furnaces will take place in the cold hours before dawn when the furnace must work the hardest - a particularly dangerous time for a fire to strike as household members are likely to be asleep and be taken by surprise.
Portable Electric Space Heaters and Wall Mounted Electric Panel Heaters 
  • Both of these types of supplemental heat sources provide needed comfort in the cold winter months. However, if not properly used and maintained, they can pose a fire hazard and cause significant damage to your home.
  • Wall mounted electric panel heaters are relatively maintenance free and can continue to operate properly by following one simple, DIY maintenance procedure. Simply put, periodically clean the housing unit and vacuum the heater grill regularly to remove accumulated dirt, lint and dust on the elements and other surfaces. This allows heat to freely escape the heater and circulate throughout the room, preventing a totally avoidable fire disaster.
  • However, using your portable electric space heater is another story. Before using your heating unit, take all the following appropriate safety measures to protect you and your property.
    • Space heaters need space all around them to be able to circulate air safely. Keep them at least 3 feet away from any combustible material such as bedding, clothing, draperies, furniture and rugs.
    • Before using a space heater, inspect the cord for any damage. If cracks or worn areas are evident, replace the cord or better yet, replace the heating unit itself.
    • Plug portable heaters directly into a wall outlet. Do not use an extension cord, a surge protector, a multi-outlet box, or a power strip, which could cause excessive heat to build-up posing a fire risk.
    • If at all possible, only use a heater equipped with tip over protection that automatically shuts the unit off when it is not in the full upright position.
    • Never, ever leave a space heater unattended. Always turn the unit off and unplug it when leaving the room for an extended period of time or while you sleep.
    • Buy only heaters evaluated by a nationally recognized testing laboratory or inspection agency responsible for product evaluation and testing indicating that they meet minimum safety and design regulations. Look for the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) label indicating approval and verifying that the heater’s construction and performance meet U.S. voluntary safety standards.
Kitchen and Cooking 
  • Negligent kitchen mishaps and unattended cooking have been the leading cause of home fires in the United States for over 15 years. By removing potential fire hazards and properly maintaining your appliances, you can easily minimize fire risks in the most functional room in your home...the kitchen.
  • First and foremost, never use the stove as a storage area, a work surface, or a temporary counter space. A misplaced dish towel, potholders, paper towels, or even a cardboard cereal box can ignite within a matter of seconds. Make it a habit to keep all combustible materials at least three feet away from the stove area.
  • Electrical appliances such as mixers, toasters, coffee makers, and microwaves should be unplugged when not in use. Because kitchen tools such as these continue to draw electricity even when they are not turned on, any mechanical flaw, electrical faults or design defects could very easily cause a fire. It is always good practice to be aware of any recall notices that may apply to your specific product by reviewing online resources for product recalls such as
  • Be very cautious when utilizing electric sources to plug in a series of heat-producing appliances. If too much current is drawn from same energy source, the circuit could easily overload and cause a fire.
  • Lastly, the leading cause of fires in the kitchen is from unattended cooking with the most common type being the grease fire. There are a few key points to remember when faced with this type of home-cooking emergency. First and foremost, the easiest and safest way to smother a grease fire is to restrict the oxygen source. Place the lid of the pot back on or, if easily accessible, slide a cookie sheet over the top of the flames. Using either method, the fire should quickly consume all the oxygen and put itself out. If you should attempt to douse the fire with baking soda, please keep in mind that this technique is only effective on small grease fires. A large amount of baking soda is needed to extinguish even the smallest of fires. In conclusion, use extreme caution when putting out a grease fire with a fire extinguisher. Using a dry chemical Class B fire extinguisher, which is designed specifically for grease fires, stand a safe distance away from the flames and move slowly toward the appliance while aiming at the base of the fire – not the flames.
Clothes Dryers 
  • One of the main culprits responsible for a dryer fire is plain old lint. When lint builds up in the lint trap, it prevents proper airflow in the dryer which in turn can cause various mechanical parts inside the dryer to overheat and eventually catch fire. One simple step you can take to prevent this from happening is to clean out the lint trap inside the dryer after each use.
  • Likewise, dryer exhaust pipes can get clogged with lint, also causing a dangerous buildup of heat. Clean out the pipes at least once a year along with checking your outside exhaust vent for blockages. Be sure it is free and clear. At the same time, it is advisable to thoroughly inspect behind and underneath the dryer to remove any accumulated lint or miscellaneous debris.
  • Guidelines suggest that some items simply should not be placed inside the dryer for drying. Items stained with volatile chemicals such as motor oil, gasoline, cooking oils, cleaning agents, or wood finishes can still ignite even if they have been washed. Regular household laundry detergent is incapable of thoroughly removing the residues that can ignite.
  • Rubber, foam rubber or plastic items such as athletic shoes with rubber soles, rain boots, baby diaper pants, shower caps, rugs, and even foam-padded bras can slowly begin a fire or even ignite spontaneously when placed inside a hot dryer.
Safety Sheet Tips 

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) offers free safety tip sheets on a number of fire and safety topics. Visit the link provided to download and print any or all of these forms free of charge and stay fire safety smart!


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